Monday 28 September 2009

Our first idea's

The videos we are planning to make are either a music video, a documentary or a short film.
The videos have to be 5 minutes long and can either be filmed and edited or animated.

Saturday 26 September 2009

Content analysis of a music video

KTA2: Content analysis
Music videos have certain codes and conventions which are related to the type of music in which it is for. I am going to analyse the video for P!nk and her song 'Who Knew'.

The style of music for the video is a pop rock song, the video is Pink herself singing the song at the front of a fair ground and the video flashing between her singing and two teenagers who are going on rides in the fairground. Who later argue and end up going in different directions, the boy goes away in a corner suffering from an overdose. The girl finds him and gives him back a necklace and rings him an ambulance and then walks off crying. The video cuts between Pink and the teenagers making it a mix between performance and a narrative video. The video is more a narrative style as the words pretty much match with whats happening in the video, for example. 'You took my hand, you showed me how, you promised me you'd be around' and the two teenagers in the video are sat on a ride holding hands and cuddling each other. This meets the familiar codes and conventions for a music video. The genre of the song is pop/rock it meets and recognises the codes and conventions of this genre by the characters that it uses. The two teenagers give it a good sense of a pop video as they are messing about and having fun which connotes pop music, the colours also used in the video are quite bright, for example the lighting behind Pinks head as she sings at the fair ground gates are brightly coloured lights and they also flash this connotes fun. Pinks actual performance in the video is light quite darkly which connotes a bit of mystery to the fair ground and a deeper meaning to the song rather than just two people falling out. Like nearly all music videos it shows the performer singing in the song, this is highlighted and made to look interesting in the video by the use of camera angles such as zooming in on Pinks face and behind her being dark so it makes her stand out more in the video. Zooming in on her face connotes a deeper meaning to the song and connotes that she is genually upset. The video has conventions that meet a typical rock stereotype, its cuts back to a scene from the night before where the boy is on the side of the bed and injects himself with some kind of drug, the lighting is very dark at this stage which connotes that it is wrong to actually do that especially behind the girls back who is shown asleep behind him. The fact that the video has being shot in a fair ground connotes that it should be fun and all a good laugh but the video hides away from the conventions of being fun and connotes a much deeper meaning that no matter where your are bad things happen and that are fairs really that much fun?. The boy lashes out at the girl in the video due to the drugs kicking in and it shows her wandering around by herself, this follows conventions of a rock video of a 'innocent, young' girl walking around looking for help. As the boy is sat alone the lighting changes again to dark to show again that something is wrong and he needs help, it cuts to the girls eyes to show her emotion, lots of closeups are used at this stage in the song to juxtapose the lyrics and to show emotions of each character. Flashbacks of the teenagers having fun are also shown this suggests that there time is almost over (could be the boys life ending and he is flashing back at all the fun times together) and they give an extra narrative to the video. The cuts are in sequence with the actual beats of the music, this is following the conventions of any music video and often creates dramatic effect changing from scene to scene with every beat. The end of the video is an extreme close up of Pink and gives the video a sense of completion, most music videos finish with a close up of the performer or a character that has being used within the narrative.

Friday 25 September 2009

Music Video Research

To help with ideas for making a music video I reasearhed a few music videos from different varietys of music from rock to r'n'b. This gives me the basic ideas of what a certain type of music has in its music video, it has a given style which makes it easily recognisable. For example both the Linkin Park videos have more darker colours and lighting in them compared to the video by Pixie Lott, this is because of there genre's, Linkin Park are a rock band and Pixie Lott makes pop music.

Linkin Park - New Divide

Enrique Iglesias - Can you hear me?

Kanye West - Stronger

Linkin Park - Shadow of the day

Pixie Lott - Mamma Do