Monday 15 June 2009

Introduction to Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio - Video Task Shot List

The story line is- Person A drops an object- Person B picks sees the object- They pick it up- They hand it back to person A- Person A thanks person B
The establishing shot is of the whole canteen area where the action takes place.Person A is at the vending machine entering there choice, person B comes along and they start talking. This is shown by a shot reverse shot structure and a master shot.As they start talking person A forgets to get there change out of the machine, they walk off this is shown using a medium shot.Person B sees the change still in the vending machine, this is shown using an eyeline match so the audience can see what person B is looking at.A close up of the change in the vender is used.Person B gets the change out of the machine, this is shown by another eye line match.Person B then runs out of the canteen, this could be done in slow motion to create more of an effect within the story.They catch up to person A, it is shown in a 2 shot as they meet.Person B gives person A the change back and they say ‘Thank you’ this is shown in a medium shot, as person B hands the change over they catch hands, this is shown in a close up shot to show the emotion. The shot then fades out.