Friday 6 November 2009


We are going to create a short documentary on the supernatural behaviour that takes place in the pub 'The Old Queen's Head'. Our target audience is quite wide, being people of pretty much any age older than fifteen. We decided to go with this idea in response to our questionnaire/interviews, this was the idea that was most popular with the people that we asked.
We will set our documentary in the pub which is in Sheffield town centre, and it will take place after opening hours to ensure that the right atmosphere is being created (dark, this denotes to the audience the idea more paranormal activity will happen) also and as the pub is shut it means none of the public will be in the shots that we need. The presenter will need to be dressed professional, so therefore needs to be smart, perhaps wearing a shirt and tie. The characters in the video will be the four members of our group, Steph, Fiona, Craig and Tom.
To show reactions to any behaviour we will use close ups of there faces. We are also going to use a shot reverse shot structure, we are going to use a tripod whilst filming to make the shot steady and so therefore more professional. We are not going to use it all the time tho as we want to create the illusion of realism and so quite a few times in the filming we will be holding the camera. This makes it also easier to move around the pub quicker and so being able to quickly 'jolt' if a ghost is seen. It will give it more effect. The pub's mise-en-scene already fits in with the stereotype of somewhere that could possibly be haunted for example the outside looks old and the decorations inside, especially the wooden foundations being on show.
We have taken many health and safety risks and potential dangers into consideration, for example tripping over the cable and wires we are using especially in the dark when visibility will be limited. Also when we arrive at the pub we need to ask where the quickest fire escapes are and if there is anywhere in the pub we are not allowed to go to. To prevent us falling over the wires we will need them to be tucked as far into the side as they can be.
We have got permission of the landlady and will be filming on the 7th of November 2009, and editing the footage in the following weeks.