Monday 4 May 2009


Synopsis: My magazine is going to be called Base and is aimed at both genders of the age 16 to 24. It is a new R'n'B magazine but it also covers other music genre's mainly indie and pop, but the majority is R'n'B.

Detail of target audience: My target audience are young male and females between the age of 16 to 24, the majority who would probably purchase the magazine would be male.They are into R'n'B music and just up to date with different types of music and wear casual clothing. These males like there music, going out with friends and just chilling basically. The main colours they wear are blacks, blues and white.

Photography Design: My front cover consists of one main cover picture which is a new girl group who record different types of music and think the idea of a multi genre magazine is good, They don't need any props. My contents pictures are of various different bands and one including and another picture of the cover artists. My double page spread has 4 pictures on, one large one of the front cover artist down the side it is a full body shot with one of the artist, this is the bands lead singer. It has three other photos on, these are small shots and will be placed on the top of the article. These images will be of the artist doing various things and just messing about, for example a laughing shot or just generally a messing about shot which connotes that they are having fun.

Research: To research my magazine layout i looked at different music magazines and took the layout from one magazine which was an article from 'Q' and used it for my magazine layout. The house style i have chosen is border around each page and the colours which i have used. The colours predominantly used are Black, Grey and white. I have researched this idea from XXL, as they only use a few colours on there magazine but it makes an impact on the reader. For my article i researched interview from different magazines such as 'Q' and on the 'Top of the pops' website with lots of different artists.

To research my double page spread article i got a copy of Q and looked at the interviews it has in it, the main one that i looked at was an 'Icon' interview with Noel Gallagher.
I also had to research area's where to take my magazine photo's. Possible locations i had considered was a college corridor with a plain white background to make the artist to stand out, also i could take them in M236 where there is an actual area to take pictures.
Health and safety - In the event of a fire the route, we would meet on the front football pitch and exit the quickest route possible, the nearest first aider is Vicky Rowntree in M138 or one of the Sports Staff in SD3.