Wednesday 16 December 2009

After Filming Analysis

We went to the Old Queen's Head in Sheffield to film our 'Most Haunted' style documentary, we rented the pub out after it had shut for a fee of £50. We started to film at roughly 11pm and finished at about 3am. We went to the pub earlier in the day too, to do some shots of the outside of the pub and to take a look around, both the landlady and her husband were really nice and helped us out with any extra information we needed and navigated us around the pub. When we were filming we used two different camera's, one was a college camera and the other Tom's night vision camera. This was useful as it gave the video that more realism using a night vision camera. While filming we used the normal conventions of a Ghost documentary, with screaming, strange noises in the background and we made a Ouija board which we complete in the dining area. Overall the filming went very well and we all had fun taking part, even though we all had specific roles within the group for example mine was the historian I also did a bit of filming etc. If we were to do some filming again we could perhaps interview the landlady and customers of the pub and maybe put a bit more information into the video because of its genre as a documentary.

Thursday 10 December 2009


As part of our ancillary tasks we have being asked to create an advert for our final video and so to help i thought i would research already existing adverts to see what it should look like.
The advert above it very simple but yet very bold and show the audience exactly what the programme is all about. The main writing 'trucking hell' is a play on words which connotes that the programme is about trucks and that also it could be dangerous as it has being made to sound like the common swearing term beginning with f. The actual informations is in a simple box to the side of the image and tells us what time its on and what channel, this is all the informations that the advert needs and so therefore it is very effective. It also has the History channel logo on the bottom of the advert, this is going to make me put the Living TV logo onto our advert. The image is grey and connotes ice/snow and again shows what the documentary is all about.

Wednesday 9 December 2009


Call Sheets

Wednesday 11 November 2009

The theme song

Friday 6 November 2009


We are going to create a short documentary on the supernatural behaviour that takes place in the pub 'The Old Queen's Head'. Our target audience is quite wide, being people of pretty much any age older than fifteen. We decided to go with this idea in response to our questionnaire/interviews, this was the idea that was most popular with the people that we asked.
We will set our documentary in the pub which is in Sheffield town centre, and it will take place after opening hours to ensure that the right atmosphere is being created (dark, this denotes to the audience the idea more paranormal activity will happen) also and as the pub is shut it means none of the public will be in the shots that we need. The presenter will need to be dressed professional, so therefore needs to be smart, perhaps wearing a shirt and tie. The characters in the video will be the four members of our group, Steph, Fiona, Craig and Tom.
To show reactions to any behaviour we will use close ups of there faces. We are also going to use a shot reverse shot structure, we are going to use a tripod whilst filming to make the shot steady and so therefore more professional. We are not going to use it all the time tho as we want to create the illusion of realism and so quite a few times in the filming we will be holding the camera. This makes it also easier to move around the pub quicker and so being able to quickly 'jolt' if a ghost is seen. It will give it more effect. The pub's mise-en-scene already fits in with the stereotype of somewhere that could possibly be haunted for example the outside looks old and the decorations inside, especially the wooden foundations being on show.
We have taken many health and safety risks and potential dangers into consideration, for example tripping over the cable and wires we are using especially in the dark when visibility will be limited. Also when we arrive at the pub we need to ask where the quickest fire escapes are and if there is anywhere in the pub we are not allowed to go to. To prevent us falling over the wires we will need them to be tucked as far into the side as they can be.
We have got permission of the landlady and will be filming on the 7th of November 2009, and editing the footage in the following weeks.

Ouija Board

This is the Ouija board we printed off over four a4 sheets of paper. We are going to take it to the pub & see if we get any ' ghostly encounters'.
Example of a real Ouija board on Most Haunted -

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Character costumes

Craig is going to wear a suit to make him look more professional, preferably a black one.
The rest of us are going to just wear casual clothes, this makes Craig looks more professional and perhaps establishes character roles.
Tom is going to wear darker clothes because he is the camera man and so he is 'out of the shot'.

Props we need are..

2x Camera's - One needs to be a night vision camera.
We need torches to create a spooky effect.
A glass for our Ouija board.
An actual Ouija board.
Candles - Maybe use these to create more of an oldern effect, we might not be able to use these though due to safety in the pub. We would have to ask the Landlady though for permission.

Monday 2 November 2009

Jobs within the group

Ghost Nutters;

Craig - Presenter
Craig is the main presenter to the show and so therefore will be doing most of the talking to and explaining what we see to the audience.
Fiona - Medium
Fiona is the medium and so therefore will be the one making most of the 'ghost connections' she will be talking to the ghosts in the pub & leading the Ouija board.
Tom - Filming
Tom is filming most of the activity, however in some clips we need 2 cameras to get different angles of activity and also so the audience can see tom holding the camera to create an effect of realism.
Me - Historian
I am the historian so if we make contact with a ghost i am the one who needs to say that there was a person who used to live there called ... and explain what there job was etc.

Friday 23 October 2009

Our Filming Location

We are going to film at a local pub, which is supposedly haunted. This would be a good location for our filming as we might actually incur a ghost encounter.
The pub is the oldest in Sheffield but it doesn't really sell itself as the oldest pub, it contains lots of different rooms within of different shapes & sizes.
It was built by the Talbot family in 1475 where it would be used for men going there to get refreshments after the day's fishing or hunting had finished. As it was situated on an important road leading to Lady’s Bridge and the castle, it could also potentially have been used as a wash house or laundry for the castle.

Ghost encounters that have being recorded are:
The ghost of a little old man sitting by the original fireplace holding a jar of ale in each hand -Many cleaners in the past have refused to enter that part of the building alone
After being left secure at night the bolted doors of the Snug bar have been found open on the following morning
Lights in the cellar area are switched on and off
A previous landlady claimed to have often heard the sounds of someone moving around in the downstairs bar after closing time
The apparition of a child has been witnessed in the bar area and on the stairs
A cold icy presence is said to walk past people causing them to shiver and feel unnerved
A dark figure has been spotted in the hall
A relief manageress who was at the pub in the 1990's maintained that she saw a heavy cupboard move across the cellar floor when she was the only one in the area
The ghost of man described as wearing a flat cap
Footsteps have also been heard around pub especially in the cellar.
Ghost hunters heard an eerie voice say "I am an old man".
However the landlady who has lived there for over 8 years hasn't seen anything supernatural at all.

The location of the pub is;
Old Queen's Head
40 Pond Hill
S1 2BG

This is the inside of the pub. You can see what appear to be orbs in the image, there are quite a lot of them. The room has lots of old fashioned features what give it that 'ghostly' factor.

This is the outside of the pub, it has very old features with some of the parts dating back to the 1400's. The age of the property can easily be seen by its original features of timber frame, low beams and sagging ceilings.

The uprights on the face of the building have various figures carved into them including Spring Heeled Jack. He is a legendary figure thought to live in tunnels below the city, who would jump out to scare people.He was able to jump great distances and reportedly leapt over high walls. Other carvings can be found within the building.
The building became a Public House in 1851 and was aptly named after the decapitated Mary Queen of Scots who was imprisoned in Sheffield from 1570 to 1584.

Monday 19 October 2009


Overall people voted for idea 2, their reasons being generally that it was the most interesting, and would be different to what most people doing this project are creating (a music video). Idea 3 came close to idea 2, the reason generally being due to the fact that people of our age group prefer comedies. We thought this was a risky option to do after we considered the difficulty of getting an elderly person to act realistically. Idea 1 recieved only 5 votes, when we questioned some people about why they didn't choose this idea, it was due to it being of a specific genre of music, which doesn't appeal to them personally. Idea 4 recieved very little votes (only 2), so we decided deffinately not to go with that idea, as little people would actually want to watch it.

Monday 5 October 2009

Analysis of Documentary

As well as analysing a music video I also analysed the codes and conventions of a documentary. I looked at 'Most Haunted' which is a British paranormal documentary reality television series.
The layout of the program includes the Most Haunted team members going around different supposedly haunted locations in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Romania
, and America investigating paranormal activity for 24 hours at a time in order to have the best opportunity to catch supernatural activities. The documentary has a main presenter, Yvette Fielding but also consists of mediums, investigators and historians to actually give fact to the documentary. They also get special guests in such as other TV presenters e.g. Paul O’Grady.

Sunday 4 October 2009

Story Board

Thursday 1 October 2009

Questionnaire for presentation.

For our presentation we have decided to ask people what the views are on our ideas and which idea they like best. We decided to ask people around college aswell for a wider audience view rather than that of just media students.
We asked a total of 30 people.

Which idea do you like the best?
Which do you think would be the easiest to create?
Do you think our ideas are realistic?

What is your favourite genre of music?
What is your favourite genre of documentary?
Where do you watch short films, if any? E.g Internet

Monday 28 September 2009

Our first idea's

The videos we are planning to make are either a music video, a documentary or a short film.
The videos have to be 5 minutes long and can either be filmed and edited or animated.

Saturday 26 September 2009

Content analysis of a music video

KTA2: Content analysis
Music videos have certain codes and conventions which are related to the type of music in which it is for. I am going to analyse the video for P!nk and her song 'Who Knew'.

The style of music for the video is a pop rock song, the video is Pink herself singing the song at the front of a fair ground and the video flashing between her singing and two teenagers who are going on rides in the fairground. Who later argue and end up going in different directions, the boy goes away in a corner suffering from an overdose. The girl finds him and gives him back a necklace and rings him an ambulance and then walks off crying. The video cuts between Pink and the teenagers making it a mix between performance and a narrative video. The video is more a narrative style as the words pretty much match with whats happening in the video, for example. 'You took my hand, you showed me how, you promised me you'd be around' and the two teenagers in the video are sat on a ride holding hands and cuddling each other. This meets the familiar codes and conventions for a music video. The genre of the song is pop/rock it meets and recognises the codes and conventions of this genre by the characters that it uses. The two teenagers give it a good sense of a pop video as they are messing about and having fun which connotes pop music, the colours also used in the video are quite bright, for example the lighting behind Pinks head as she sings at the fair ground gates are brightly coloured lights and they also flash this connotes fun. Pinks actual performance in the video is light quite darkly which connotes a bit of mystery to the fair ground and a deeper meaning to the song rather than just two people falling out. Like nearly all music videos it shows the performer singing in the song, this is highlighted and made to look interesting in the video by the use of camera angles such as zooming in on Pinks face and behind her being dark so it makes her stand out more in the video. Zooming in on her face connotes a deeper meaning to the song and connotes that she is genually upset. The video has conventions that meet a typical rock stereotype, its cuts back to a scene from the night before where the boy is on the side of the bed and injects himself with some kind of drug, the lighting is very dark at this stage which connotes that it is wrong to actually do that especially behind the girls back who is shown asleep behind him. The fact that the video has being shot in a fair ground connotes that it should be fun and all a good laugh but the video hides away from the conventions of being fun and connotes a much deeper meaning that no matter where your are bad things happen and that are fairs really that much fun?. The boy lashes out at the girl in the video due to the drugs kicking in and it shows her wandering around by herself, this follows conventions of a rock video of a 'innocent, young' girl walking around looking for help. As the boy is sat alone the lighting changes again to dark to show again that something is wrong and he needs help, it cuts to the girls eyes to show her emotion, lots of closeups are used at this stage in the song to juxtapose the lyrics and to show emotions of each character. Flashbacks of the teenagers having fun are also shown this suggests that there time is almost over (could be the boys life ending and he is flashing back at all the fun times together) and they give an extra narrative to the video. The cuts are in sequence with the actual beats of the music, this is following the conventions of any music video and often creates dramatic effect changing from scene to scene with every beat. The end of the video is an extreme close up of Pink and gives the video a sense of completion, most music videos finish with a close up of the performer or a character that has being used within the narrative.

Friday 25 September 2009

Music Video Research

To help with ideas for making a music video I reasearhed a few music videos from different varietys of music from rock to r'n'b. This gives me the basic ideas of what a certain type of music has in its music video, it has a given style which makes it easily recognisable. For example both the Linkin Park videos have more darker colours and lighting in them compared to the video by Pixie Lott, this is because of there genre's, Linkin Park are a rock band and Pixie Lott makes pop music.

Linkin Park - New Divide

Enrique Iglesias - Can you hear me?

Kanye West - Stronger

Linkin Park - Shadow of the day

Pixie Lott - Mamma Do

Thursday 25 June 2009

Lesson objectives 25/06/09

Looking back on my lesson objectives I have completed uploading of the screenplay ans the callsheet and the final video, I still need to upload out storyboard and my evaluation of the whole project.

Coin drop clip

Filmed by Nigel Richardson

Starring - Steph Bowen & Jonathon Watkin




Lesson objectives 25/6/09

My lessson objectives for today are to start my evaluation, upload our screenplay and call sheet and the storyboard.

Monday 22 June 2009

Lesson objectives 22/06/09

My lesson objectives for today are to upload our video to the computer and start to edit and put the individual clips together in order to fulfil assessment objective 3.

I have completed my lesson objectives but will look at the clip again next lesson to see if it can be improved in anyway.

Monday 15 June 2009

Introduction to Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio - Video Task Shot List

The story line is- Person A drops an object- Person B picks sees the object- They pick it up- They hand it back to person A- Person A thanks person B
The establishing shot is of the whole canteen area where the action takes place.Person A is at the vending machine entering there choice, person B comes along and they start talking. This is shown by a shot reverse shot structure and a master shot.As they start talking person A forgets to get there change out of the machine, they walk off this is shown using a medium shot.Person B sees the change still in the vending machine, this is shown using an eyeline match so the audience can see what person B is looking at.A close up of the change in the vender is used.Person B gets the change out of the machine, this is shown by another eye line match.Person B then runs out of the canteen, this could be done in slow motion to create more of an effect within the story.They catch up to person A, it is shown in a 2 shot as they meet.Person B gives person A the change back and they say ‘Thank you’ this is shown in a medium shot, as person B hands the change over they catch hands, this is shown in a close up shot to show the emotion. The shot then fades out.

Introduction to Unit G324

The purpose of this unit is firstly to assess your ability to plan and construct media products using appropriate technical and creative skills (AO3); secondly to assess your ability to apply knowledge and understanding in evaluating your own work, showing how meanings and responses are created (AO2); and finally to assess your ability to undertake, apply and present appropriate research (AO4).The unit requires you to engage with contemporary media technologies, giving you the opportunity to develop your own skills in these technologies. It also enables you to develop the skills of presentation that are required for further study at higher levels and in the workplace.

Thursday 7 May 2009


Question one;
My magazine uses conventions of real media products for the genre of the magazine by using stereotypically R'n'B colours such as black, white and grey. I used a magazine called XXL and Q magazine to help develop my front cover by looking at its layout and the colours in which it used. I also challenged the general conventions of an R'n'B magazine by not having a 'Black' artist on the front cover an introducing other music types into it. Instead of the normal conventions I used a girl group who had recently being recognised for the influential sound and for bringing ‘different sounds’ into the world of music. This challenges the conventions of real media products as usually on the magazine they are males and of an ethnic background. The text I have used on the magazine also develops the conventions as it is predominantly bold, like what XXL has and so fits its genre well. Other conventions what a real magazine has which I have uploaded on to mine include a bar code in the bottom corner, issue number and price, sell lines down the side of the magazine which tell the audience what is in the magazine and the masthead being at the top of the page so that in a shop it could be seen over the top of other magazines.

Question two;
My media product represents a particular social group by again the general colours in which have being used, for example Black and white connote that they are perhaps a little bit into 'crime' and the fonts portray that they are perhaps 'hard' as the font is quite blunt and the language that has being used within the magazine for example the language used is quite blunt and perhaps slangy. I think my magazine does give off a pretty stereotypical view of what a R'n'B should be like, even thought the front cover image challenges this convention. The magazine also gives the representation that people who listen to R'n'B know all about it and should live the 'high' life and perhaps have lots of fun. I think that the pictures included in the magazine give representations of an ideal self and make girls want to look like those and the front and the male audience see them as there ideal partner.

Question three;
I think that the type of company that might distribute my magazine would be a conglomerate company. I think this because R'n'B music is quite popular within the aimed age audience and so they would have lots of customers and need a bigger company to be able to get bigger artists and the money to make the actual magazine itself. I think that the circulation of the magazine would actually be quite big and the ways that the public could access the magazine would be pretty widely cross media, as the magazine would have its own radio station and the internet would play a big part in advertising the magazine. The website would allow people to read all the magazine reviews online, keep up to date with the latest news and watch music videos. The magazine could be promoted on bill-boards around town centre's and places where a lot of young people like to hang out for example 'cinema screens', also the Internet could play a huge part in promoting the magazine as we could put an advert on Facebook for example, where a lot of people tend to socialise and share pictures. I think that the kind of shops that the magazine would be sold in would be WHSmiths and just everyday newsagents.

Question four;
The audience for my media product would be both males and females of an age roughly 16-24 years old. They are into there music especially R'n'B, they tend to go out a lot with friends weather it be out down town at night or just chilling at the cinema's etc. They have a very casual everyday style and tend to wear designer brands. At the top of the page is a reader profile of what I think that the reader of the magazine would like.

Question five;
I think that my magazine uses a peer to peer mode of address and talks to the audience as if it were a friend, however it does use a teacher to pupil mode of address as it gives information about the magazine to the audience and so therefore is teaching, even though it is teaching it still puts it across in a friendly type of way due to the way the pictures are placed, the lexis used and the colours used. These all give connotations of the magazine which also speaks to the audience. For example an example of peer to peer lexis would be, during the interview the word ‘pricks’ is used, this connotes that the audience swear and that the type of people reading the magazine use words like this and so it is peer to peer mode of address, because the magazine is on the same level as them.

Question six;
I have learnt a lot about different technologies and software whilst conducting this product including Photoshop elements, Quark and the online blogger. I had never used either Photoshop or Quark ever before I started to make my magazine so at first I thought it was quite difficult and it took me quite a while in order to get used to it. I learnt how to use tools such as the crop tool and the magic wand tool which allows you to cut images out in Photoshop and also the red eye tool which is helpful as lots of the pictures I took for my magazine had red eye’s and with out Photoshop I wouldn’t have being able to use them. The spot corrector also is a very helpful tool and makes the people in the pictures look even more perfect and so enforcing the ‘ideal self’ to the audience. I think that when I got to use Photoshop it was pretty easy and was overall strength in creating the magazine frontcover. I also used Quark to produce my magazine and I have never used this software before either, I think that it was really hard to get used to and that it was not very easy to use once I did know what to do. It is difficult to upload pictures onto Quark and for a magazine which has lots of pictures it created lots of different problems, especially with the sizing of the pictures. I think if I could do the magazine again I would prefer to use Photoshop for my double page spread and contents page instead of Quark. I also used Blogger to put all my work on and I found this pretty easy to use and it was quick and easy.

Question seven;
Looking back at my preliminary task I think that I have learnt a lot from use of the software to how a magazine company works. In terms of software I have learnt how to use Photoshop and Quark a lot better than before as I am know pretty used to using the software, for example cutting people out of pictures and placing them on other ones was a lot easier for my real magazine compare to my preliminary task. I think my knowledge of magazine conventions has also increased as I now know what every music magazine has, barcode, masthead etc and also what a music magazine should look like in terms of the pictures used and the type of language that it contains. I know how music companies get there magazine to there audience using cross media like both internet and billboards and how companies work that produce music magazine such as Bauer. I think that the planning and drafting of the music magazine was not really important in helping me with my final magazine as I hand drew my draft and so only had a rough outline of where things would go. I think that for the music magazine I had a rough idea what I wanted it to look like in my head with the help from other magazines such as Q and XXL, and so I drew my drafts based on that and copied that to my actual magazine. I did change a few things from my draft however, such as the layout of the pictures on my double page spread. The importance of the feedback from others was very important in the decision of me picking my magazine name and the conventions. I put a poll on my blog where I could get friends to vote for there favourite and some of them commented on my actual blog leaving feedback and saying which was there favourite. I took there ideas into consideration when making my decision as if an audience thought that ‘Base’ was the most eye catching for example then a lot more people would think the same therefore making it more successful. Overall I think I have learnt a lot looking back from my final magazine to my preliminary, both about software and music magazines.

Monday 4 May 2009


Synopsis: My magazine is going to be called Base and is aimed at both genders of the age 16 to 24. It is a new R'n'B magazine but it also covers other music genre's mainly indie and pop, but the majority is R'n'B.

Detail of target audience: My target audience are young male and females between the age of 16 to 24, the majority who would probably purchase the magazine would be male.They are into R'n'B music and just up to date with different types of music and wear casual clothing. These males like there music, going out with friends and just chilling basically. The main colours they wear are blacks, blues and white.

Photography Design: My front cover consists of one main cover picture which is a new girl group who record different types of music and think the idea of a multi genre magazine is good, They don't need any props. My contents pictures are of various different bands and one including and another picture of the cover artists. My double page spread has 4 pictures on, one large one of the front cover artist down the side it is a full body shot with one of the artist, this is the bands lead singer. It has three other photos on, these are small shots and will be placed on the top of the article. These images will be of the artist doing various things and just messing about, for example a laughing shot or just generally a messing about shot which connotes that they are having fun.

Research: To research my magazine layout i looked at different music magazines and took the layout from one magazine which was an article from 'Q' and used it for my magazine layout. The house style i have chosen is border around each page and the colours which i have used. The colours predominantly used are Black, Grey and white. I have researched this idea from XXL, as they only use a few colours on there magazine but it makes an impact on the reader. For my article i researched interview from different magazines such as 'Q' and on the 'Top of the pops' website with lots of different artists.

To research my double page spread article i got a copy of Q and looked at the interviews it has in it, the main one that i looked at was an 'Icon' interview with Noel Gallagher.
I also had to research area's where to take my magazine photo's. Possible locations i had considered was a college corridor with a plain white background to make the artist to stand out, also i could take them in M236 where there is an actual area to take pictures.
Health and safety - In the event of a fire the route, we would meet on the front football pitch and exit the quickest route possible, the nearest first aider is Vicky Rowntree in M138 or one of the Sports Staff in SD3.

Bauer magazine research.


Bauer is an independent company that produce many kinds of magazine for both genders from puzzle, TV listings to film and music magazines. For research and to help me with my magazine I am going to look at the music magazines which Bauer produce.

They produce three music magazines these are;
Kerrang is a multi platform destination, that put there music across via TV, internet the radio and in print. They play mainly ‘Rock’ music and describe there audience as being
‘individually minded, independent of thought and musically experienced, an audience defined by attitude, passion and loyalty’. This could suggests that they are a niche company. There ABC figures from July to December were 52.272, and they are the biggest selling weekly rock magazine. Kerrang is aimed at the age group of 16 to 24.
Mojo is a magazine what features ‘legendary bands and artists’ and they go a lot deeper into the music than perhaps what Kerrang does. They only have a magazine and a website, and have a average audience age of 24 to 36. Mojo describe there audience as ‘
'Discerning and passionate music aficionados’ There audience is predominantly male (72%) they also ‘see their passion as discovery without boundaries, genre and decade being secondary to quality.' This could also be seen as a niche magazine.
Q magazine describes there audience as 'Open minded experience seekers, the Q audience don’t define themselves by the music they listen to. Music is an important passion, but their love of music will never be to the detriment of their other passions, such as film, sport and comedy.' They sell best with the age of 24 up to 36, Q is also a multi platform business with a website, TV channel, radio station and print. They sell roughly 103,017 magazines a month.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Final magazine; Contents page

Final magazine; Double page spread

Final magazine; Front cover

Monday 20 April 2009

Magazine Draft Double Page Spread

Magazine Draft Contents Page

Magazine Draft Frontcover

Friday 27 March 2009

Font research #3

I like this text but not as much as the other two, it shows the genre and audience and also the sytle but i dont think that it is as catchy as the other two fonts.

Font research #2

I really like this font which i have chosen as it represents the genre and audience of the magazine as being quite masculine, and has a 'grime' style about it like R'n'B has because it has like splash marks where the 'paint' has run.

Monday 23 March 2009

Font research #1

I really like this font as it shows the genre of the magazine as being a male magazine with the text being bold and quite blunt. The text also represents the genre of the magazine being R'n'B as the text is quite powerful. I think i am going to use this font for my magazine!.

Thursday 19 March 2009

your magazine =)

hey stephh =)
i like all your ideas , they all sound really good :), the one that i like the most is snap mainly becuase is appeals to me more than the others.

Double page spread's

Five different features of a double page spread page;
- Interviews
- Band/Artist profile
- Expose
- Festival guide
- Top 100 artists etc.

Five generic elements of a double page spread page;
- Images
- Artical title
- Artical lead
- By-line's
- White space

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Generic elements.

The generic elements of a music magazine contents page are;

- Page numbers
- Pictures related to artists and genre
- House style
- Band index
- Subscription number
- Special events?
- Editorial
- Mast head logo
- Gutter
- Web address
- Pull quotes

The generic elements of a magazines front cover are;

- Main cover image
- Magazine title
- Sell lines
- Border
- A particular house style

Thursday 12 March 2009

Cover images

To take a good cover image there are 5 rules,
- No cluttered backgrounds.
- Focus on the lead singer if it is a band shot so that the audience know who they are. If it is a single artist make sure the picture is a medium shot.
- Leave room for a masthead and don't cut off heads.
- No high angle shots, they make really bad cover images. These are only suitable for double page spreads.
- Animate your band, and are looking at the camera.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Your Magazine Ideas

Well done.
All of your magazine ideas have captured the imagination and you can see that you have put deep thought inot this.
All have ideas do sound really could and all have creat conotations.
You have described all of your magazines well and all of the ideas seem brilliant.
My favorite magazine idea would have to be Base.
I say this because it sounds really catchy and sounds like something i would read.
Im sure that when this magazine is created and (if) you choose the title it would do really well.
Keep it up.

Nigel Richardson

Thursday 5 March 2009

My magazine ideas

As working towards my final magazine I need to think of lots of ideas including target audiences, magazine names and genre's etc. I have three different ideas all with different audiences and styles etc. I am going to ask a few friends to choose which one that they like best and why.

First magazine idea -
Name : Snap
Mainstream / Niche : Mainstream
Age targeted : 8 - 14 years old
Gender targeted : Young girls
Genre : Pop
Title of the magazine and its connotations : Snap, this connotates that the magazine is 'snap' up to date with the latest music news. The name snap is short and snappy and quite catchy.

Second magazine idea -
Name : Upbeat
Mainstream / Niche : Mainstream
Age targeted : 16 - 24 years old
Gender targeted : Males
Genre : Dance
Title of the magazine and its connotations : Upbeat, this suggests that the magazine is quite chirpy and happy. The word upbeat also connotes that the music included in the magazine is quite upbeat, which it is.

Third magazine idea -
Name : Base
Mainstream / Niche : Mainstream
Age targeted : 16 – 24 years old
Gender targeted : Both
Genre : R’n’B
Title of the magazine and its connotations : Base is a generally small word that is quite powerful and has connotation of masculinity which is stereotypically R'n'B but also the genre of the magazine. It also connotes the type of music the magazine is about, as it includes quite strong base.

Niche and mainstream products

Mainstream -
This is trargeted for a wide audience, it has many aspects of what people are interested in within in it. It has a wide readership and has a high circulation figure. Kerrang is a mainstream magazine.

Niche -
Niche means that a magazine has a smaller audience and is targeted for a small number of people, this tends to be to more specific types of music rather than a variety. Heavy crash metal and classical music can be considered as niche.

Thursday 12 February 2009

My college magazine

Thursday 29 January 2009

Textual Analysis

Excellent front cover analysis Steph but you need to analyse a contents page and a double page spread as well.

Photoshop practicing

As part of learning how to use the software of photoshop, i edited a photo of fernando torres.

The colour one is before i edited it and the black and white one is after.
I took the background behind him off the picture and cut him out of the image, i then put the image onto a white background and added a bit of text on the side. On his neck he had a mole, i edited this off using the spot corrector tool, to remove it you click on the tool down the side of the window and the 'spot' you want to remove.

College magazine research.

Here are a few college magazines i have found on the internet, that will give me ideas on how my own will look.

Planning a college magazine

What is a college magazine?
- Sporting events
- Music performances / bands
- End of year events
- Achievements
- Enrichment activates
- Prize winners
- Drama productions
- Guest speakers
- Sexual health / information
- Counselling
- Advertisements

Prelim task
Get a medium close up of a student that coincides with one of the college magazines headlines.

As we have just had bad snow in rotherham take a photo of a student playing in the snow for the background and another picture for the corners of some other story thats happening within college.
I am going to have little tag lines down the sides of the front cover that show you whats inside. The magazine is called TRChill.

Sunday 25 January 2009

Scanned Q Magazine.

Saturday 24 January 2009

Q Magazine Analysis.

December 2008 edition.
The target audience for the magazine is the general mainstream British public but I would say probably males as it has more male content such as the advertisements for games etc, however it is suitable as a unisex magazine. The age audience for the magazine is late teens and adults. The pug is in the bottom corner of the magazine and includes the issue which is December 2008 and the price £3.90 and the website address is there as well. It is at the bottom so that when it's on a newspaper shelf the reader has to pick up the magazine so that they can see the price of it. This particular copy of the magazine does not have many sell lines included on it as it is a subscribers only edition and so the customer will already have bought Q before and wants to get it monthly. The main picture on the magazine matches with the text behind the image. The image is of the main singer out of Coldplay, Chris Martin. The text behind him says ‘Best band in the world today Coldplay’. This is anchorage for the picture as it gives the picture a meaning of who the person is on the front if the audience did not know and is promoting Coldplay by saying they are the best band in the world today. The text is behind the image and is the same colour as Chris martins clothing and so is not really noticeable, the editors want the audience to notice Chris Martin on the front cover rather than the text as it is more eye catching to the audience and suggests that it has an interview with him inside the magazine and so is influencing the audience to buy the magazine. The band name Coldplay is written in white text rather than black and so it stands out from the rest of the black text and again grabs the audiences attention and anchors the image by saying that the man on the front is from Coldplay. The title of the magazine Q is in the top left hand corner and has been placed in a red box and the Q is white, this is eye catching to the audience and as it is in the top of the magazine so that when it is on a magazine shelf it is easily viewable and audiences can clearly see what magazine it is. A sell line on the magazine is ‘A different take on music’ which connotes that they are not your ordinary magazine and the simplicity of just the Q for a name suggests that they have a lot of knowledge to share with the audience, and it is more prominent on magazine stands as it stands out more to an audience with it being one letter rather than a lot title. A Q is also a word used in music meaning ready to play and start, this suggests that the magazine is ready to play its content to the audience when the open the cover. All of the writing on the front of the magazine is in capital letters and in a normal quite sharp text which connotes its male audience, as male texts tend to be bigger and less shaped than female texts and because its all in capitals it shows its importance within the whole magazine, it could be seen as Q’s house style as the whole front cover is the same. Generally the front cover of the magazine is promotional for Coldplay as they are the only article that appear on the front cover and so suggests they are the biggest band at the time which is backed up by the text in the background of the image. Generally the magazine cover is pretty plain to attract audience but it has enough hidden eye catching features that it susses fully catches attention, this copy of the magazine is a subscription only copy and could be why there are not many sell lines etc on the front.